Sunday, 8 May 2011

Flamingos and the beach

Good Friday 22 April
We’ve had a good week in some respects, but every time we start what looks like a fairly straightforward maintenance job, we discover an underlying problem somewhere else in the works. However, we are plodding through it all with the end result that I think Forever will be better than she has ever been – even when we bought her.  Mike got started with sanding off the red poisonous paint on the hull – a shockingly hard job even with the electric sander whilst I got to work on a sail.

On Wednesday, we went to the market as usual and bought ourselves a two plate electric cooker for €30.  As our fee at the marina to live aboard includes all water and electricity it is foolish for us to use gas.  We also got Mike a nice new hat.

Surprisingly, all the service companies in the marina were open today and even my lady from the boulangerie came by.  Since France is a Catholic country I would have thought that Good Friday would be a holiday.  The weather was forecast hard southeast wind today with clouds and rain.  It started off quite sunny and not too windy so we took ourselves off on our bikes to the beach.  I had forgotten how far away the beach is, and the wind, of course, picked up as soon as we left.  It was a long hard slog into a miserable headwind and through acres of depressingly unattractive marshland, highlighted by a flock of lovely flamingos.

When we got to the beach, we were just about the only idiots there.  The only others were a few, very hardy, young men doing what I can only call parasurfing.  There is perhaps a proper name for this energetic sport but I don’t know it.  The beach is enormous - very deep and at least a mile long and with the wind blowing in from the sea, the surf was fierce and beautiful.  We could hear it pounding long before we could see it.  The parasurfers were having a ball.

We walked the full length of the beach, just enjoying being by the seaside.  Cycling back with the wind behind us was very pleasant indeed.

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